Journalistic Homepage.

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Huffington Post.

Huffington Post’s website is very blah. Their homepage is just too plain for me and its not as intriguing as other sites. I think they could use a better design for the site because it really doe not attract me. They have good stories but the way they present the site is just, I don’t know how to put it in words other than “unimportant”.
 If the site adds maybe a little bit more color. Personally it looks more like a blog than anything but I will give them this, the pictures they have online look really good especially the ones with the tornado, even though its blurry, the image just looks scary which goes with the headline which is “Twisters strike at least 14 dead.”

 Since the story is hard news and very tragic, the headline is in all caps, bold and red to make it stand out.  Other stories that Huffington Post has to display, they have smaller photographs but they are all the size in comparison to the main story regarding the Tornado.
 Also, the homepage is pretty long compared to other journalistic website’s homepage. I think they should cut it down so readers don’t have to keep scrolling.


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