Student Newspaper: SJSU Spartan Daily

By | 4:18 PM Leave a Comment
Spartan Daily
Spartan Daily is the student newspaper for SJSU. 
Looking at their website you will notice a good amount of white space, making everything look 
clean and simple. The amount of art is sufficient including the dominant art which 
is located in a good area. Each section of the newspaper has different color font to 
differentiate the section titles whether is sports, opinion, news and so forth. 

In my opinion the paper looks great but could use a little bit more images 
or change the size on some of the art other than that i think the paper looks good, 
the online version that is. The cool thing about the site is that it has a link
to look at the paper version of the student press. The paper version
of the student press looks good but could use some work on some of the sections.
I don't like how in March 4,2014 newspaper, in the sports section,
all you see is mainly writing. I think that is too much, there is an image but the location 
of the image kind of throws me off and bores me. 


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